It’s nice to get positive reviews from readers. It’s even better when a published author writes a review so I can use it as a blurb on my Amazon site.
So without further ado, here is the review:
“The measure of a good book: when you need to keep reading, you need to find out what happens, where the story goes. That’s why ‘The Secret of La Danta’ kept me up late more than one night. Once it starts, you really want to know, not just what’s coming next, but how it all works out in the end.”
Joel D Canfield author of ‘Rafe Keyn and the Temporal Lisle’.
Alex Zabala is the author of:
-Treasure of the Mayan King
-The Mind Games of Dr. Sova
-The Golden Scepter
-Chauncy Rollock Chronicles
-The Secret of La Danta