I have been asked many times where do I get my ideas for my novels. My simple answer is to point to my head and say, “From here.” Of course all ideas come from the brain, but in reality, ideas come from outside sources. The brain just adjusts the outside sources into a viable story. It’s like a figurative ‘seed’ that is planted in the brain. That seed can be a news article or a historical fact.
Take for example my first published book ‘Treasure of the Mayan King’. The premise was seeded in my brain by a news article about a violent storm that passed by the Yucatan Peninsula. According to the article, the storm toppled over a tree exposing the steps of a Mayan temple. On the steps archaeologists found some strange Mayan glyphs.
Here is an example of a premise for each of my published books:
-Treasure of the Mayan King:
A riddle that lead s to treasure found on some ancient Mayan steps
-The Mind Games of Dr. Sova:
An incredible mind game played by an elite group of intellectuals filled with exciting historical facts.
-The Golden Scepter:
An archaeologist finds an ancient fragment from a golden scepter that contains an incredible power that can change the world.
-The Secret of La Danta:
A nuclear scientist finds a mathematical equation in an old Mayan temple that can imitate quantum power.
When I start writing a novel, I never have the entire outline figured out. I have no idea what every single line of dialogue will contain, nor do I have all the exposition in front of me.
(However, when I do have the entire story thought out, which is usually at mid point, then I do make a rough skeleton outline in advance).
This is where the journey starts!
I sit in front of my computer and start typing. This is when the creative powers start flowing! Dialogue starts pouring out, exposition and vital scenes appear. There are rewrites, research and editing and all kinds of changes. My in-house story engineers make recommendations and suggestions on how to improve the story line. Plot holes, character errors or other issues with continuity are pointed out. Changes are made, more research is done and then…my novel slowly starts to take shape, it is morphing and becoming a reality!
It’s a fun process. Writing is a journey for me.